Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shit List / Bright Side

This is gonna be real similar to Compex Magazine's "Props over here/ Fuck outta here!" You know those little things that piss you off and turn you on.

Shit list
1. Sports broadcasted in widescreen letterbox, when they don’t stretch to fill a 4:3 screen. It takes you further away from the action - and hey - how the hell am I supposed to read the vertical headlines on Sportscenter?

2. “Like us on Facebook/Follow us on Twitter” on everything ya see, everywhere ya go.

3. Ordering a pizza with sausage and jalapenos.. Then you get like three chunks of sausage on the whole pizza, with 150 jalapenos all over it. I mean, come on. When it comes to jalapenos, less is more. And when it comes to sausage, don’t you DARE gyp me!

4. HBO cancelling Bored To Death. I will surely die of the consequent boredom.

5. The economy and shit.

But on the bright side…
1. Frequently seeing kids at the store that look just like Bobby Hill.

2. The episode of KOTH where Bobby gets home from his job and Hank fucking says, “Hey Bob. Want a root beer?”

3. Pro football/fantasy football ubiquity in modern life/pop culture.

4. Filling up a car with relatively cheap gas, then driving around.

5. 60° and sunshine in the wintertime.

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