Friday, January 25, 2013

One Year Anniversary! Now What? New Look? Whoa!

2012: Waldo Faldo Genesis

Well the Waldo Faldo Journal has just turned one-year old and it's time to reflect on where we've been and where we're gonna go next. In one year's time, my "blogging" concept has revolutionized the internet and completely killed print media, changing journalism forever. But this would not be possible without my wonderful, quick-witted readers. Thanks guys!

In the past year, you watched the Waldo Faldo Journal grow before your eyes. What started as a fly-by-night collection of ramblings and funny pictures has developed into a high-brow venue of conceptual articles that truly challenge today's society. Like a digital version of Kathie Lee and Hoda, this site is your premier source for sideways lifestyle news and astute cultural discussions. Whether it's commerce, Christmas, fashion, or religion, I've used my journalistic savvy to carve a peephole into the establishments that control every facet of modern life, so that you can see the inner workings, the truth. 

2013: Waldo Faldo Future

In 2013, I plan on reviving the print medium that I so mercilessly destroyed. The launch of the glossy tabloid magazine version of Waldo Faldo Journal will draw all of you web-depedant hermits out of your computer cocoons and back to the physical newsstand. By the end of the year, all the major television networks will be in a bidding war to produce the highly-anticipated Waldo Faldo TV show. Details on this project will be forthcoming, and earth-shattering!

You may have noticed the new, super-sleek, 2013-and-beyond appearance of the blog; a new epiphany of sophistication. Yea, I finally got those pesky cats to get out of my background. Enjoy the new aesthetic. As you slide your dexterous fingers on your tablet or smartphone, you will enjoy the new physical touchscreen texture of the site--a tickling sensation will begin in your fingers and travel through your body, to your brain and to your loins. 

So what can you expect as far as new content? Well the same cultural critique and visions of the future will remain staples of the Waldo Faldo Journal. A lot of the themes will continue, and there are sure to be fresh new topics and angles. But the next post will be the debut of a brand new feature to the WFJ: short fiction! That's right, taking a cue from Oprah, I am establishing the Waldo Faldo Book Club. 

Since Waldo Faldo Journal has traditionally produced stories that are the 100% certified truth, the short fiction pieces will be designated by this fun logo. I'm gonna make stickers of this and give you some!

Most of the fiction I'll be writing will have a consistent universal setting--a universe in the very near future where corporate control and technology has more or less ruined society completely. But it's not a world of robots and space travel, or anything overtly sci-fi. Think, romantic teen pulp with a "future-via-1980s" dystopian backdrop. I'm serious. I want to start writing shit like this. You can't wait.

Oh, and now the Waldo Faldo Journal has a spin-off blog: New Things In Cartoons. This blog will focus on the videos and artwork I create, and the stuff I like. But it's still in the development stage and under heavy construction. So it's something to check on later. That's right, no peeping!

And I will be adding tags and labels soon to categorize all the posts in different ways. It'll make it fun to surf around as I write more and more! Lots of wacky new posts to come, keep reading!

OK well I have to go now. What do you think I do, write blog posts all day?

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