Sunday, July 29, 2012

Epaulet's Quit With The Damn Epaulets Already

We will now be diving into a discussion of men’s fashion, and we must prepare to kill, or be killed. Our country has been under attack, and as stylish Americans, we will not fall to the tyranny of tacky clothes made in Bangladesh. How did we get here? Well, let’s start at the beginning...

World War II revived the American economy, ended Nazism -- and most importantly -- brought us dazzling fashion staples like pea coats and bomber jackets! Military influence has shown up in the fashion of every generation since WWII; details like patches and epaulets convey strength, masculinity, pride, and a very regal dignity.

In the 80s and 90s, America’s mightiest heroes took military fashion to a new foreign land: The Republic of GLAM!

Pictured above are two of my personal idols. Michael Jackson is unanimously revered worldwide, and there’s not much else I could say about the man. But I would love to take this opportunity to examine Bret “The Hitman” Hart, and why I wish I were him.

How could anyone dress that flamboyantly, and not come off the tiniest bit gay? I mean, not even a hint of homo. Seriously. Take a guy like Shawn Michaels; now, homeboy really had it going on. But he was just a touch effeminate -- which, hey -- is perfectly fine. But Bret Hart was just an ice cold killer, who was unquestioningly the straightest man to ever exist. And there he was, rocking pink tights, heart decals, and those radical shiny sunglasses.