Monday, March 5, 2012

Spockadelic: Leader of Michael W. Smith's Secret Satanic Army!

Looks like the sacrificial cat is out of the bag. Actually the cat was let out back in 2007 -- which, as you’ll remember -- was the height of popularity for my former hip hop act, Spockadelic. It was a time of corrupted innocence, when I exposed many a teenager to my deranged, sex-fueled rap music. Christian mogul Michael W. Smith’s all-ages music venue, Rockettown, should’ve been a safe haven for the vulnerable Tennessee youth, but instead served as a modern Sodom and Gomorrah! A recent Google search of  “Spockadelic” brought me to this paranoid Christian blog post -- give it looksee, and then come right back!

Thanks to this whistleblower, Christian parents could finally discover the truth about the venue they so willy-nilly allowed their children to attend. Under the guise of a wholesome Christian environment, Rockettown was nothing but a playground for ‘overtly satanic music acts.’ Is that what Jesus would want? Spockadelic is among a who’s who of different devilish music acts, most of which have dumb lyrics -- and also the writer thinks a lot of them are homosexual.

I just want to say that I am so incredibly proud to be mentioned on this dude’s blog, for I have brought glory to the Lord Satan. As much as I appreciate this infamy, I also feel short-changed. First of all, this guy obviously has not heard the entire Spockadelic album if he thinks the most destructive lyrics are the ones he’s cited. He just copy/pasted the particular lyrics I posted on Myspace. Secondly, does he think the worst thing I’ve done at Rockettown is rap? Psssh! How naïve. Try adding an “e” to the end of “rap”, that’d be more like it. 

Also this:

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