Saturday, November 3, 2012

Language Lesson Pt.1: Using Words and Phrases to Command Fear and Respect

I want it to be known that I listen to the feedback of my loyal readers. I realize the last post was a little over everyone's heads (none of you watched The Torkelsons?) and that, maybe you've seen enough funny pictures and read enough puns. You want to actually learn something from the Waldo Faldo Journal. Something that will help you in daily life.

Well, I got you! It would not be right for me to be selfish with my language skills, so I am going to teach you how to write and speak with dynamic phrases and witticisms. I am giving you the gift of gab. 

So for the first lesson, we'll focus on things you can say that will make you come off as a badass. Unfortunately in traditional public school, they teach you the alphabet but then they don't bother to teach you how to punk motherfuckers out. So crack your knuckles, kiddos, and start studying these fundamentals of trash talk.