Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Best/Worst Jobs of the Information Age

Have you found a career in the cyber-economy yet? What, have you been living under a rock? Or a giant desktop PC? Well if you’re still using a landline telephone, you may not have received the news: the internet is everything! And there’s nothing else. You would literally be more of a real person if you existed only on the internet, as opposed to being alive physically with no internet.

This is especially the case with the job market. The Industrial Revolution was so long ago, even it’s Wikipedia page is dusty. These days we don’t make things, we make information. We buy, sell, and trade data; it’s what keeps the Google Earth™ spinning.

By the way, we don’t use Classified ads in printed newspapers anymore. (Where do you even get a newspaper?) We get our job postings from Craigslist, and we get our news from dumbass blurbs on Yahoo. And in that format, I am providing you with a guide on the best and worst careers of the Information Age.

The Best

Shady Dating Site Advertiser - You ever notice those creepy, fake-looking ads for “hot singles looking for hook-ups”? The one’s that say she lives right in your po-dunk town. But there's no way any girl could be that hot, that single, and that local, right? You always assume those girls don’t live in your town, that they don’t even exist. Well, they do. You don’t know it because you spend all your time on the computer, never even bothering to click on those ads! Really, that wouldn’t help you much anyway because the guys making the ads get first dibs. They’re like modern-day Mad Men: rocking chest tats, sick iPhone accessories, and badass t-shirts with crosses and studs and shit. A typical work day is nothing but snapping pics and tapping ass.

Ergonomic Program Director - There used to be a conception about office or computer jobs -- that they’re “cush jobs” because you’re inside in the air condition, you’re on a comfortable chair, and so on. But modern health crises have proven: sitting, clicking, typing, and staring at a screen all day eventually result in blood clots, carpel-tunnel, and arthritis. Even more frightfully, excessive computer use can result in miscarriages and impotence (this has not been medically proven, but more importantly, it hasn’t been disproven.) So companies everywhere enlist the services of an ergonomic consultant. He shows all the employees some stretches that will hopefully stall their physical deterioration, and then calls it a day. Talk about a cush job!

Twitter Medium - Because it’s a shame that the Twitter era and the Anna Nicole Smith era didn’t overlap. Could you imagine the kind of delightful nonsense she would’ve dropped on the world? Well you shouldn’t have to imagine it, you should be able to get the gossip live, even if the celeb is dead. That’s why the Twitter Medium will soon be one of the web’s most in-demand professions. And one the hardest-working Twitter Mediums happens to be yours truly; for I am the chosen one. Since earning my online degree with Hades University, I’ve worked non-stop double shifts. I spend all day on my Ouija Board iPad app, in a room full of skulls and candles. In the daytime I work as Andy Rooney’s Tweeter, and at night, I put on the CAPS LOCK and then I’M SAM FUCKING KINISON!! FUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!!!! 

Sex Predator Bait - We all know that To Catch a Predator, you need some pretty tantalizing prey. Before all the embarrassment and arrests go down, remember that there’s a very erotic and provocative romance that thrives over the internet between two illicit lovers. One thinks he’s wooing a kid, the other knows he or she is duping the bastard and drawing him into a humiliating trap. So when you consider the experience of the baiter -- ahem, as it were -- they are, by no means, playing a passive role in this lustful affair. Amongst the sexual language of the online courtship, the “kid” is flattered and sanctified as if they were a sacred, sensual wonder. The baiter experiences that praise, compounded with the rush of deceiving someone, and the sadistic thrill of ruining the predator’s life. So how is that not and exciting and titillating job?

The Worst

Youtube Copyright Violation Inspector - As technology evolved, so did piracy. And to keep up, all the big networks and record companies cracked down. Like some kind of web pesticide, anti-piracy measures take out illegally-distributed media, but leave a toxic trace. So now a lot of folks browse Youtube for a living -- but instead of entertaining themselves, they’re deleting the videos that violate copyright law. Sounds enjoyable, but is it safe? God, no! Because as anti-piracy measures intensify, so does piracy. And now pirates have to get nasty. Recently there’s been an outbreak of physical crime involving swords and canons and the slaughter of hundreds of Youtube moderators. Nowadays, if you get hacked, you literally get hacked. One minute you’re disabling the audio of an Usher song, the next you’re walking the plank; the only thing to “cease and desist” will be your life. ARRRRRR!

“Like” Launderer - Creating your Facebook profile is a lot of fun, right? You feel important because you get to talk about yourself and connect with others. Too bad you only get to make one profile... Well, that’s no longer true! Yup, you can get a job making profiles all day. Join the marketing department at any shitty restaurant. You’ll enjoy a stable career with a tedious routine: make fake profiles, leave flattering reviews, maintain a web of testimonial deceit. These days you got to have a certain Yelp ranking before people will even think about walking into your restaurant. So the escalating arms race never ends because every business does it. When “likes” are inflated for the sake of financial gain, they start to lose meaning. And if Facebook “likes” don’t mean anything, then nothing means anything. Life is just a waste. The world is HTTP Error code 404, Not Found.

Myspace Marketer - Some of the biggest firms in this diluted industry include !JPZ!LPZ!~MUZ1©and {SMACK.down} PROMOTIONS™. You’d be much more familiar with them if you had checked your Myspace since 2007. You probably have more spam in your inbox than a Doomsday Prepper’s apocalypse shelter. Maybe you should take this opportunity right now -- go ahead and check your inbox and see what “service” these people want to sell. They can get thousands of listeners for your band, including some of the biggest movers and shakers in the music biz! Did your screamo band break up? Well hell! Call up the guys, get out the guitars, because this is your chance to really make it big! Or maybe you don’t have any musical ability? Well lack of ability or talent never stopped any marketer! Not once in the history of marketing; this even goes for the promoters on the very, very, very bottom of the totem pole. By the way, where would you find “thousands” of Myspace users to listen anything*?

*(Superfluous answer to a rhetorical question: It appears people still use Myspace, but they seem to be mostly Middle-Easterners or Americans of Middle-Eastern descent. And let me clear! I am not racist! Only some Middle-Eastern people are Myspace users, and just because someone is of that creed DOES NOT mean they would be do something terrible to America, like use Myspace in 2012.)

Social Media Consultant - This is the job on this list that is real. But it really shouldn’t be. Marketers have convinced every type of business that their livelihood depends on an arbitrary ranking in the lightning-fast world of social media, where shit changes like -- BOOM! BOOM! BAM! -- every second! And it’s rough out there, not everyone can hang. Social media marketers are the fierce warriors in this thunderdome, battling and bickering for attention. They sometimes represent a company, but are ultimately out for themselves. One of today’s most precarious and competitive careers, the job prospects for social media consultants are contingent on self-promotion and the range and ubiquity of their ass-kissing. And there’s no forty-hour work week in this field; they gotta have the phone, laptop, and tablet on 24/7 or it’s a wrap. 

For example: there have been thousands of new tweets since you began reading the last paragraph. If you were a social media consultant, you’d already be ages behind the rest of the world, unless you were multitasking or conducting “market research” while you did a little recreational reading. Shit, you should’ve created three new hash-tags by now! As the social media rep for Tampax, your job is to make sure people are tweeting about Tampax! And you’re clearly not Tampax material, because it turns out that the heavy flow of internet babble is just too much for you.

So if I were to pick a career between social media consultant and janitor, all I have to say is, “Hand me the mop, boss!” It’s simply a matter of job security. Because social media jobs will all disappear the moment everyone stops obsessing over a flavor-of-the-week tech fad. Or when companies (see General Motors) base their social media presence on actual profits, rather than groupthink. Or when solar flares and/or asteroids disrupt satellite and electronic communication. These are just a few things that will completely eliminate the social media industry. That’s why you wanna be a janitor, cause the world’s always gonna be a damn mess.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

For Basketball Reasons

At the moment, I'm swept up in the all the excitement of the NBA playoffs, so it's the perfect occasion to share some eccentric basketball-related thoughts. 

And we'll make it sort of a game. So before we get started, see if you can guess the name of this shape.